In the heart of a midwestern college town lies a city-run public utility, serving the energy needs of over 60,000 customers. This utility, though a relatively smaller power provider, still must carefully comply with stringent cybersecurity controls outlined in the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) standards. These standards are crucial for safeguarding critical infrastructure from cyber threats, yet maintaining and demonstrating compliance poses a significant challenge, particularly for a smaller public utility where teams are overstretched, and resources are limited.
NERC CIP audits require extensive data collection, an exercise that is not only prone to errors when done manually but also consumes a significant amount of time and resources. For a utility with constrained resources, this process can be particularly taxing, so they sought a solution to help them maintain and prove NERC CIP compliance as reliably and efficiently as possible.
Read this case study to see how this smaller public utility boosted efficiencies with NERC CIP compliance.